
28 December 2021

Drawing Tuesday - tossing

 From Judith - tossed by the wind

From Janet K - Juggling life.

From Jo -  Collage using just the supplements to Monday's paper. Stormy sea!

From Sue KHere’s my offering - a ‘freeze frame’ of a video l took of a trapeze artist getting into the swing of it at Kew Gardens - lovely to watch & accompanied by music. This was ‘pre’ lockdown. 

21 December 2021

Drawing Tuesday - the good life

 Isn't it just! What could be better - apart from the mortal threat of illness, we could do without that...

From Janet K - A good life - comfy sofa, pile of books, coffee and a dish of dark chocolate...

From Carol - The Good Life, why bother with fancy chocolates when you can have a whole bar of Dairy Milk.

From Jo - I think cranes are good luck in Japan where this was made. Its a Christmas decoration given to me when I was about seven, the wings are weighted and go up and down...

From Joyce - being able to go back to the Pangolin to sketch again! 

From Sue K - 
Referring literally to the 70’s tv show - here’s my sketch of one of our more twisted & tangled home-grown parsnips - hard work cleaning it of grit & soil!! Poor thing looks a bit abject! Tasted fine tho’!

From Judith - This sculpture made from odds and ends has enjoyed ‘A Good Life’ in our hallway for several years!

14 December 2021

Drawing Tuesday - Tate Britain, or "exercise"

Going to Tate Britain.

Or drawing something on the theme of "exercise". 

Or, doing a drawing exercise. Or, getting exercised about something else altogether. Or, just plain exercising a pencil - taking a line for a walk, maybe?

Here are five simple drawing exercises - - I know some of you use some of them as a warm-up.

Here are eight - - and more are given in the comments.

Most of these are variations of the "single light still life" - - and the medium doesn't matter...

But the internet provides many, many more drawing exercises, or seems to. One I've never done, but have heard good things about from a couple of people who have taken it through to the end, is to draw the same thing one hundred times. Working through the boredom! Hmm, maybe next year?

From me - These boots are made for walking - and the drawing is based on some hob-nailed boots that Van Gogh painted in 1887

From Janet K - I took a leaf from Margaret's sketch book for 'exercise'. These shoes have taken me many miles in our neighbourhood over the last 19 months.

Tate Britain. Henry Moore, two-piece reclining figure 1960.

From Joyce - A Henry Moore sculpture, could find the title on the wall of the gallery but I think reclining figure would cover it. I used a water soluble pencil.

From Sue K - Here’s my offering from Tate Brit. Kurt Schwitters’ Chicken & Egg 1946  

I couldn’t resist layering & sketching it from several angles - l stood back & it fell into place - the long neck & red beak.

A 2nd quick one of Paolozzi’s ‘Forms on a Bow’ 1949.

 l found my Henry Moore Reclining Figure! Assume done 2019! F’got to date it.

From Judith - My drawing from Tate Modern - ‘Primeval Gods’    Epstein 1910

From Ann - A couple of life study pages on exercise theme!

From Carol This is my take on the exercise theme.  This is the fat fairy who is on my Christmas tree again.  She does not care for exercise and likes mince pies. She is second in command when the top fairy is off duty.

07 December 2021

Drawing Tuesday - Tate Modern, or "legs"

 From Janet BThis popped up in my photos from years gone by. Louise Bourgeois at Tate Modern on 6 December 2016. 

Same legs! 18 April 2017 -

From Joyce Alpine Ibex by Jimmie Durham together with two fellow sketchers, Janet and Judith.

He’s constructed from an Ibex scull and horns, wooden cot, wooden chair parts, paint, wood, steel, plastic, glass, and other materials.

I thought he looked rather jolly taking command in the middle of the gallery.
Durham says it is more sculptural than representative.

From RichardI decided on the ‘at home' subject option;  two pairs of legs here including the one that did not carry me across the Millennium Bridge. 

From Jo I opted for legs on furniture (from newspapers and old catalogue):