
10 January 2006


It's that time of year -- pine needles everywhere. Xmas is over, done with, gone, and the tree has to be gotten rid of. Queens Park has a tree recycling scheme - just leave your tree at one of the park entrances, and your problems are solved.

As I entered the park on the way to work, the path was blocked by a tractor and trailer being loaded up with dumped trees. The man loading it looked like Old Saint Nick, rosy cheeks and cheery countenance, but wearing green. I didn't have the presence of mind to ask if he'd pose for a photo.

Here's what happens next - the trees are gathered in the works yard and put through the chipper.

And what to do with other things you no longer need? If you're doing a big house clearance, but don't want to hire a skip (or don't have enough to fill one), why not just leave your rubbish on the street? It happens even in the "nice" Queens Park area. This household was being ever so tidy about leaving their rubbish on the street!

Wonder how long it will stay there.

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