
31 January 2006

Happy cups

You do the dishes and never notice what you're doing -- but seeing my favourite cups together like this, I thought how jolly they looked. Like friends at a tea party. Every one has a story -- the painted ones are from Cosmo Place Studio, just down the road from work - have had those since the late 80s - they remind me of Ruth and of Vicky. The blue one from Halifax, the brown one from Plymouth - bringing to mind Rita and Erika. People who couldn't be further apart, geographically.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my! My cup collection is like that too. I used to know when and where I got each one, but now 30 years later, the details are hazy. I have one jolly roundish one with a big flower on the side however, that I remember its history. It was bought in Spokane WA in 1976, after we'd moved back there following a brief stint in Berkeley CA. We hadn't been married a year yet. Can't believe it has survived all those years and all the ensuing moves around the country.

    Who says inanimant objects are just things? No wonder I have such a hard time letting go of "stuff."
