
19 April 2006

"Blossom Blizzard"

Here they are, the blossoms, in repose; I imagined a strong wind blowing them along, like the wind blowing the dry snow across a prairie road --The framework was a branch-like structure (organza, and a liberty print, bias-cut for flexibility, held on with rather carefree stitching) -
The first of the "blossoms" being blown (snippets, bondawebbed) -More and more (layers of changing colours, held by runs of rapid machining, various threads) --
... and more -- enough already! --
A close-up --


  1. Love this - can really feel the horizontal wind in the piece

  2. Very evocative, and imho very successful - cheers - Alison

  3. How wonderful Margaret - I loved seeing the progression of the work and think that sometimes it can be as artistic as the final work.

  4. What fun, Margaret. It's like a whirlwind. Our blossoms are blowing just like that. June

  5. It has a feel of a surging rush,
    blossom flies past so fast it's a blur! Almost like a shoal of fish too, densely packed and shiny glints.
    'Pink Vortex'??

  6. That is spectacular! You can almost hear the wind blowing through the petals...
