
29 July 2006

Aerial view

One of the things that emerged from the bookshelves during clean-up was an old school textbook, probably found in a jumble sale aeons ago, on "mapwork" - it fell open to this view of fields in Alberta, and an explanation of how the prairie was carved up into ranges, townships, sections and quarter-sections. In the later 1800s the government put the land up for grabs, and homesteaders moved in and started farming.


  1. What a wonderful quilt this would make. I've often wondered about how I could include ragged raw edges in a piece, which still had some degree of coontrolled placement. I think you've found my answer!!!

  2. You are kidding! This is a photo of fields. What are the two curved lines of raggedness?

  3. Michael James crossed with Pauline Burbridge(sp?)???
