
13 April 2007

Hot Dots I

The idea took root, and fabrics lay on the worktable all week while Life took over - frustrating! - but on the morning of Good Friday I was finally able to get to them -
The small triangular bit fell onto the background - happy accident - and needed another for the other bit. The background is leftovers of some chintz that was used for cutting bias strips. (I love using up leftovers....)

Here's the back - again I've cut up the batting and used it as a "template" for the piecing.
In the end, that upper triangle needed "something" ... More Hot Dots have already been made. This is about colour, and about the pleasure of sewing round and round in circles.


  1. You're being incredibly productive at the moment Margaret. Are you on something?! (vbg)

  2. The Hot Dots is (are?) fantastic. What a great experiment in color.

  3. I too have noticed your hyper-creativity as of late. Great little projects and a great role model for us to just get with it!

    These are almost like journal quilts - except you're not restricting yourself to the size of a page.
