
05 June 2007

Lutradur and landscape

The course I did at the Alston Hall/Contemporary Quilt summer school was on landscape, tutored by Ineke Berlin. After supper on Friday we spent a couple of hours in the studio painting lutradur, which is a "polyester spun web" - very strong, and takes paint well. We tried both the thick and the thin, and dabbed, swooshed, and sprayed, then left it to dry.The next day we experimented with many things. I finally tried Markal (Shiva) oil sticks, and found by happy accident that by using an edge as a stencil and then moving it to the other side, you could get a 3d-looking tree trunk. Another discovery was to use the soldering iron to bond synthetic fabric onto the lutradur - the two synthetics melt together.
By Sunday afternoon I had 4 pieces on the go, all on a foresty theme (probably inspired by that woodland walk...) - and the one on the right, "spooky forest", all but finished.


  1. Thank you for sharing your Lutradur "experiments". I have some and have been holding it wondering what to do! Your pieces are fabulous

  2. Thanks for the pictures Margaret - have been meaning to paint Lutrador for a while now. Must go and get the paints out! Helen
