
30 June 2007

Morning drawings

The idea is to spend 10 minutes first thing, with a cup of coffee in hand, filling a sketchbook.At the moment the eyedropper is my favourite drawing tool. These use photos torn from magazines. A bamboo pen adds the fine lines in the cabbage, using the ink on the page.
For these mushrooms I used a brush and water to fill in the dark areas - the ink flooded in. The pale blobs are done with the leftover ink on the brush.

An aside - while writing this, I heard the announcer-chappie on Radio 3 saying of a singer taking on an opera role somewhere, "and she is a girl, she's still in her 20s". Which clarifies something I've always wondered about -- why teenaged young women are so often referred to as "young girls". Who are the "young boys", then?


  1. I am so loving these, Margaret. Keep it up!

  2. ..."The idea is to spend 10 minutes first thing, with a cup of coffee in hand, filling a sketchbook"...wot? A WHOLE book? Now that is fast work!!

  3. if you like an eyedropper, you'll LOVE a brush pen. I have several, but like the black one best. the drawings on my blog recently have all been done with the brushpen, just love it to bits. And no, I have no shares in the company...
