
21 June 2007


I do most of my sewing in the mornings before going to work at 10.00. The past few mornings I've been paving the road to hell with good intentions - or trying to -That was too shiny. The holes don't really work. Try again -
Hmm.... this idea needs to percolate through the subconscious for a while. What do good intentions look like, in cloth?

The "road" is meant to be just one element in a bigger picture. I was planning to bring in the idea that "hell is other people" and although it's getting away from the original idea, it's starting to look scary:That trial piece is about 12" high. Enlarging those figures could be interesting ....


  1. Those figures seem to be threatening the whole world. Will they lose some of that when they are bigger do you think? Do you plan on maintaining the ominous feel or not? Don't keep us waiting too long for the next developements!

  2. This is a very interesting piece, I like the figures, so dark. I agree with Anne, can't wait to see how it develops.
