
27 June 2007

Vicky's garden

From 1983 till 1994 I lived in a shared house, not five minutes' walk from here, that backed onto the little railway (just 4 trains an hour), with a view of mostly greenery - "you could almost be in the countryside". Vicky lives there still, owns the whole house now, with a Buddha under the apple tree and, in June, daisies galore -as well as a variety of other flowers -

Before my time there, the garden was a muddy chicken run and the house was being cobbled together by its ex(?)-hippy inhabitants. Vicky is making it new and beautiful.


  1. What pretty photos. I love to hear a train from my house. Wonder what the house looks like...?

  2. Oh, what a beautiful garden! It makes me want to sit down there on a perfect summer day... and never leave.
