
08 July 2007

Away from ...

... my own computer, and unable to put up any of the posts I'd stored for just such an occasion! So, a thought about mirrors. About not looking in mirrors - people stop doing that as they get older. Probably we like to "see" ourselves in other ways.

How many mirrors do you have in your home?


  1. Margaret, please don't stay away from your home computer too long as I enjoy your posts so much. The childhood museum was fantastic.

  2. That's so true about mirrrors, I never thought about it before. I hardly ever look in the mirror. Never did much before, but now it's purely functional, often as a last minute thing in the car to check I don't have something in my teeth LOL

  3. Hello there, first time poster but I have been enjoying your blog for a long time now. Thank you for sharing your views on life, and craft/quilting.

    I think we tend to feel settled within ourselves as we grow older and that might be a reason why we don't have to check every few hours if we are still there or how others might perceive us. My hubby and I have only two mirrors - one in the bathroom and another one in the hall which is still from Renaissance times and going blind.

  4. I've never been into mirrors. I purloined my first full length mirror (from a university based son) at 50, when the day job changed and I was doing a lot of 'first meetings' with people.

    How many mirrors have you got...????
