
18 July 2007

Leaving the workroom

It's holiday time -- tomorrow we're off for three weeks in Vancouver, and then on return, a workshop with Bob Adams on discharging before the Festival of Quilts to look forward to.

The studio will get a little dustier in the meantime. At the top of the pile is the latest version of "The road to hell is paved with good intentions" - unfinished. I just ran out of time - getting the science editing journal to the printers had to take precedence. Another day would have done it, but.... Next time.
Now the studio contains just about everything I need to make anything - or maybe I'm just getting used to working with what I have. Because of working on the journal right up to the wire, I haven't had time to sort out a handwork project to take along. But I don't need to leave home till 6.20 am -- and the night is young -- I'm all a-twitter with the anxiety that wells up before any trip (not a happy traveller).
Looking forward to seeing family and friends, bike rides along the river, blueberry picking...even a bit of sewing, with any luck.
Behind "the road to hell" are other, smaller, attempts at the subject, and the golden patches to the right are part of a larger attempt. On the design board are two batik pieces from Els van Baarle's workshop at FoQ a couple of years ago -- they started out as prints done in a workshop with Carole Waller at West Dean. Going to workshops is definitely my favourite kind of holiday.


  1. Wishing you safe travels and an enjoyable holiday. Hope you'll come back relaxed and refreshed.

  2. Hi Have a safe journey and a good trip. Might see you at FoQ - enjoy the Bob Adams workshop. Helen

  3. oh dear, dear. You're coming all the way to canada - and yet it's the other side of the country. Hours & Hours flight away from me. Such a pity.

    Hope you're having a Marvellous and wonderful time.
    Big hugs from Montreal!
