
10 July 2007

Morning drawing - but first, one I did earlier - at the Miro Foundation in Barcelona, while waiting for the arrival of lunch in the restaurant.

This drawing had to be a two-step process.

The washes had to dry before the dark seeds could be added.

Although the ink still isn't bending to my will all the time (or I to it?), over the days of using it, I'm getting more comfortable with it and can concentrate on the subject matter more. Wet media are a learning curve for me, so it's a matter of practice, practice, practice ...


  1. These are wonderful Margaret. What your work will be like when you have had some practice? Fanstasic I would imagine.

  2. I have to echo margaretr---these are awesome, Margaret. Love 'em, love 'em.

  3. Hmm - seem to be bending quite nicely to me, perhaps not as quickly as you'd like? When I saaw the stage before he seed pods were added I started to see faces instead of honesty....

  4. Gorgeous drawings, Margaret - I especially love the one before you added the seeds...

  5. How beautiful these are, Margaret, thank you for sharing.
