
03 September 2007


The screenprinted "flowerbox" piece is coming along - embroidered flowers are appearing. It's great to have a "mindless" piece to hand stitch. Choosing and scattering the colours provides just enough interest. The straight stitches look scarily messy close up, but I have a vision of how it will all knit itself together once there are enough, all over.

Several more rain-and-wind journal quilts have come into being, and when daylight comes I'll photograph them.

One of the things I like about this creative process lark is how you suddenly find a deeeeep interest in some topic that you'd never given a second thought, and then you start noticing "it" everywhere. And as you work on your little series, the way the rapidity of the journal quilts encourages, it evolves and opens up into a lot of possibilities. The "too many possibilities" thing used to throw me into a spin, but now that I'm making the little quilts just for the hell of it, rather than thinking it's got to be The Best (and Biggest) Quilt So Far, the anxiety and pressure is gone and it's become pure fun.


  1. Although I thoroughly enjoy what I do, I don't think I'm in the purely fun stage yet. I feel I need to make quilts for beds and friends and family and not just experiment and enjoy... so reading your blog is interesting - like being a voyeur into creativity LOL

  2. I agree that these little journal quilts are fun to do. There is a freedom of expression that can lead on a journey to look closer.
