
27 October 2007


A chain letter arrived that I couldn't resist. It had only two names on it, so the payoff for passing it on would be quick. It promises 36 books, if everyone plays along.

When I send the letter to my 6 friends, I'll enclose a book for them. This clears some space on the shelves, always a problem. If you'd like a copy of my letter (and a book, possibly one of those above), email me or leave a comment.

The text is below in case you want to put a friend's name in the number 1 position and your own in the number 2 (or vice versa) and send it to 6 friends, with or without a book as an inducement.

Welcome to our paperback bookswap .. it's just for fun.

Please send a used paperback to the first name on the list enclosed.

Then re-do the list by:

1. Removing the name under number 1
2. Moving the name currently in the number 2 position to the number 1 position
3. Writing your name as number 2

There should only be 2 names on the list at a time. Send a copy of the new list to 6 of your friends who enjoy reading. Note - if you keep the list separate you can photocopy this page and send it out again.

If you can't participate within 2-10 days, please let me (person at number 2) know to be fair to the others who are participating.

A manila envelope will mail a paperback book. You should receive 36 books. It will be interesting to see where they come from and to what type of book you are introduced.

There is seldom a drop out. You should receive 36 books for the price of the one you have purchased and read.





  1. I would love to participate but unfortunately I cannot think of 6 people who might also participate. How pathetic is that? I don't have very many friends. Only 4 people can I think of who might want to do this. Oh well, sorry. Maybe I am not so different from others since mine is the first comment here.
    Jan in Oregon USA

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