
02 October 2007

Sunday in the country

A good start to the day - a modernised 1950s Green Line bus chugging along the motorway. (Can you believe someone has written a history of Green Line tickets? Click here; read; and marvel...)

On the way to Rousham, this wonderful medieval barn:
And at Rousham (with its grand old yew hedge), apples and pears espaliered in the kitchen garden -
and pumpkins growing beautifully in one of the compost bins -
Here's a corner of the walled kitchen garden -
Note the dovecote behind. Here it is, from the inside, slightly smelly and humming with soft cooing -
Outside, more espaliered fruitfulness -
Wildlife includes chickens (bantams?) with feathered feet -
And a poseur of a peacock (who obligingly had left some small feathers lying around for collection) -
On the way out we saw his missus and her four chicks -
Note the metal guard around the tree, to protect from another form of wildlife, ravenous deer.


  1. Love the angle of the inside shot of the dovecote. Something quilty there, I'm sure.

  2. beautiful pics, beautiful day! espaliered fruit trees--gorgeous.
