
09 February 2008

What to do with sleeves

Traditional garments often have big sleeves - which surely got in the way when there was work to be done. This print by Utamaro shows how to tie kimono sleeves out of the way -The long sleeves on central Asian coats weren't a problem because the coats were worn over the head, "for best" (but just try to find a picture of this! Or even a decently large photo!) [but see the Update below]
whereas the long sleeves of Palestinian costume were tied together behind the back when there was work to be doneThroughout the ages, sleeves have been rolled up
In China, sleeve protectors are worn - even by students

Update, Feb 2017

With the proliferation of pinterest, it's no longer difficult to find a photo of a traditional central Asian coat being worn the traditional way -

This site shows lots and lots of traditional central Asian garments.

Images of Palestinian traditional dress abound -

1 comment:

  1. A fascinating post. I often wondered how work was done in a Kimono. I just assumed it wasn't!
