
27 March 2008

Neither abandonned nor forgotten

"Ginkgo" went up on the "design wall" this morning. I'm adding more leaves, and wondering whether that gold panel is too bright, and where the sparky contrast is going to come from...
Here's a detail, showing the metallic organza leaves that were appliqued onto the squares before the squares were sewn together:This landscape has been hanging up since the workshop last week, and is collecting miscellanea that turn up as I gradually make order in the workroom:
The WIPs pinned to the design board include something A3-sized that really should be abandonned [could it be recycled into a bag??], a dotty fandango inspired by a Howard Hodgkin painting, a nearly-ready journal quilt from last year's "rain" series, and a discharged piece done in Bob Adams' workshop last year, which got some added stitching:
The motto, couched onto pink velvet, reads: Snatch the eternal from the desperately fleeting.


  1. Maybe some gold in the edge binding might balance the gold panel? Plus some gold beading here and there? Gorgeous colours in ginko, it looks wonderful.

  2. Many thanks for the tips on the dyeing I wil try with the washing soda, I like the gold it is a good focal point and you sure are prolific, I wish I had your stamina

  3. I think you're right, the gold panel is a bit dominant(perhaps because its only in one place)You could knock it back with an overlay of some of the gold gauze you've been using for the other leaves ( which I really like), that would also link sections together more.

    Thanks for sharing your WIP's - I've just been looking through mine. Perhaps we should organise a WIP swap to see what other people can do with them?

  4. Yes, I've got a few WIP's too and never know what to do with them. Too many possibilities with them if I ever get time, to throw away, and too many new things coming along to fill in my time instead. Bags would be a good idea. Perhaps Magsramsay has a good idea. A swop and a blog?!
