
25 April 2008

Two bags

Yesterday morning I was able to devise a pattern for and make this yellow bag (love that junglacious fabric!). The pocket in the lining is a separate panel, folded back on itself to make a "seamless" pocket. The handles are formed around 3 layers of wadding, and the bag has a layer of wadding, lightly stitched. It's reassuringly solid, and the whole thing took a couple of hours. There was time to find fabric and cut out pieces for the April BQL bag:Sewing it took a surprising three hours - the handles, gusset, and body are quilted onto the wadding. And the lining has three pockets. The half-circles at the base of the handles are sewn on by hand. The fabric came from the Gambia, some time ago, and was a gift from Ingrid. This bag is big enough to be seriously heavy when it's full.


  1. Gorgeous! Makes me want to get back to sewing though my skills have gone rusty. I used to sew a lot years ago but got frustrated with the reduction in fabric stores and their poor selection of natural fabrics.

  2. Another nifty alternative to the circles!

    Three hours - is that all? This is a bag that seriously dented my enthusiasm, but the fabrics are fabulous!

  3. Great bags, Margaret - if you start selling them, count me in. Or alternatively; put me on your christmas gift list....... I often buy wine and cabbages!
