
12 May 2008

Getting started with hexagons

Found this in an old magazine and started thinking about the challenge for the June "Quilting in Action" regional day in London (7 June, Maria Assumpta Centre; details on the Region 1 website)My first impulse was to stamp rather than sew, and the erasers were the right size for half a hexagon -
One eraser was big enough for a whole hexagon, but the pattern didn't go together quite the way I remembered it...Lesson: don't rely on memory, have another look at your source. This is more like it! -
The fabric was (and is) intended to be used as stripes a la Margo Selby --
but I ran out of time and that will have to wait till another time.

1 comment:

  1. Memory is a good think, but in this instance I prefer the first attempt!!!
