
29 May 2008

More Parisian sights

While it was raining I was happily wandering round Africa and Asia in the Branly museum. The gardens are very grassy, watery, and reedy, and it takes a while to realize that the brown reeds are actually an iron fence - Another of my favourite museums is the Guimet -- wonderful Asian art. The current exhibition is Hokusai and showed that he did much more than those many views of Mount Fuji -
It also had his sketches, which showed how he used collage (of thin rice paper) to move elements around when preparing to do a print.
I didn't buy the catalogue (too heavy!), nor did I indulge in any of the silks on view in the fabric shop area (metro Anvers), which Tonya showed me round after lunch on my first day there -
And speaking of fabric, here's an update on May '68 - 40 years after the student uprising, we're being told "nicely" to "stay politically incorrect" --

1 comment:

  1. that photo of the silk is lovely - makes me wish I'd bought every one of them.
