
04 June 2008

This will be a long post

because of the long pictures showing the quilt-in-the-making, which is 1.40m long (and 30 cm wide). It started with some stamped chinese characters, for which I used black acrylic paint on gold dupion. Characters representing flower, beauty, harmony, grace, peace, love got jiggled around to resemble (sort of!) the 4-character poems that are put either side of the door for the new year. I stamped quite a few and chose the ones that turned out best, then laid them out roughly on a long strip of fabric, to figure out what the finished size would be.The dark squares are placeholders for pieces of flowery silk damask.

Then the sections of batting were cut to the desired finished dimensions, and the "silk" squares positioned more carefully.
Here are the actual silk pieces in place. Most are vintage, and some scraps are quite small.
The luscious silks for the stripes that will fill the rest of the space had been pulled earlier.
Now those colourful silks are cut into strips ranging from 5/8inch to 1-1/4inch wide, lined up along the ironing board, ready to sew.


  1. This looks interesting, I'm trying to picture the finished piece but getting hung up on those silky, (and fraying) 5/8th" strips. Will you back the strips or is this the GLABM(good luck and better management) method?

  2. ooh, it's lovely. I love how the tiny bits of precious fabrics are showcased.

  3. I think this is going to turn out quite lovely-all that color is wonderful
