
30 July 2008

In the garden

Really, the colours are so much more vivid than in the photo. I love the swathes of purple, white, orange, yellow - with punctuations of hot pink. And the apples on the laden tree turning from green to red (and falling off, more's the pity).

The clematis are looking particularly gorgeous at the moment -
And this is the first time we have lilies -

1 comment:

  1. Margaret, I ante-ed up for an Easter Lily at my church in memory of my mom, and when I found out there were no plans for the flowers after the service, I snagged it and brought it home. After it was done blooming, I planted it outside, knowing my chances of it doing anything were slim. But it's a protected spot and I'm hoping. Was sad as I watched it turning yellow over the weeks. But low and behold, it now is sending up two new very healthy looking stocks and perhaps I too will have blooms before summer's end.
