
16 July 2008

A love of patterning


  1. Hi Margaret, I'm glad you visited me. Your blogs are really a great find! I LOVE London. Was able to study theater there while in college. 43 plays viewed in one term! Loved living there. Your photography is delightful. One thing I never got tired of was photos of and from the rooftops of London. It's so different from here! I was always loooking for things to climb....

    Now, I think I'm gonna die of blogger doesn't start allowing me to load photos. It's been "broken" for weeks now and I really enjoy posting my photos too! Please do visiit again, when I'm back to my usual colorful self.

    Alysse Hennessey
    @ Bliss MOnkey Studio

  2. Fascinating that the couple are looking at a picture of a man who looks like he doesn't do patterning!
    Sandy in Bracknell
