
31 July 2008

Two photography shows

Anna Booth and David Ward were showing their landscape photos at the Oxo Gallery a month or two ago. Not grand sweeps of landscape - telling details of natural and man-made forms. "Their aim is to make emotive images that transcend their subject matter by using simplicity and mystery to reveal deep beauty through artistic intent."The prints were large - and their brochure is a memorable format. More of David's photos are here - on his blog he says that it was Anna's idea to have the exhibition: "Anna started this project as an unknown photographer, but one whose images I have always been impressed with. She has now shown a wider audience that her amazing work is of an equal quality to my own."Scroll down to 1st April on his blog for a wonderful image of a sand-filled house in the ghost town of Kolmanskop, Namibia - full of dazzling diagonals of light and shade through the latticework of the weathered building.

Now for something completely different. Gilbert Garcin took up photography when he retired from lampmaking. Now 80, he has published five books. He appears as his fictional "Mr Everyone" in his photomontages. "It is the idea that makes the work, while photography simply records it." He makes works "out of tiny stories that recycle personal defeats and failures."
If you've got the patience to withstand the longeurs and derangement of buffering, and understand French, there's an amusant video of him and his work here.

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