
28 October 2008

Transition series

A story is developing. Recently we had "Going Around in Circles" - here it is finished -
Now it's "Starting to Fall into Place" -I'm "Getting Ready to Play" -
Looking forward to release! "Out of the Box 1" -Hoping for an explosion of creative opportunities! "Out of the Box 2" -


  1. Brilliant titles! It's got me thinking too. My favourite - if I'm allowed - is Starting To Fall Into Place.

  2. I LOVE these, Margaret! They make me feel happy just to look at them. Brilliant.

  3. All of them are terrific, but the first one is still my favourite.

  4. Out of the Box ( No. 1 is my favourite, seeing as we're all telling.) seems like a good theme to run with - in life as well as quilts!

  5. They're all terrific - Out of the Box 2 is my favourite - just! I take it this is the retirement series mentioned on QuiltArt? I retired at the beginning of June and OTB2 conveys the excitement I feel about actually having time and opportunity to do the things I really want. Don't worry about retirement - enjoy it!
