
30 January 2009


Off to Tate Modern to see the Rothko show - in its last week.
His late works - all reds, browns, greys. The roomful of black and grey paintings at the end was my favourite - the different proportions exploring weight...(By the way, these paintings were up for auction last year - expected prices in the range of $10 million to $18 million each.)

The exhibition must have made an impression, because to use up my paints in class the next day, I quickly produced the dense painting on the right - and to get it dry enough to take home, blotted it on the sheet on the left -


  1. I actually travelled all the way from Leeds to see this exhibition recently (one of the few things I miss about London is access to all the galleries) and it was really worth it - since then have been experimenting with glazes, proportions and so on! All part of a project I'm doing for my art course. I had only ever seen Rothkos one at a time before. The impact of whole rooms full - even on a crowded Saturday - was amazing!

  2. The blotted piece on the left would make an amzing starting point for stitch.

  3. I dream to see Rothko exibition one day.Béatrice from Switzerland

  4. Ben mince alors. I have to came to london soon.Bisous. Béatrice from Lausanne.
