Helen Ridehalgh comes from a fine art background, rather than craft background. She starts by making a study in clay modelled from life - a bozzetto - then builds up the sculpture with thin, small strips of clay. This is Male Torso, 26 inches high -
Michael Flynn's "Catching the Cock" is a recurring theme with a multitude of references, to be interpreted by the viewer -
Mo Jupp's iconography is female; his forms are often cut off at the knees, and headless and armless, concentrating on their sexual attributes. "Grey Form" is 2 feet tall -
Many of Rosa Nguyen's hand-built animal sculptures approach life size, such as "Red Cow, White Cow". The marks left by the wooden slat that is used to beat the head or body into shape add to the energy of the piece.
Other artists illustrated in the book include Claire Curneen, Christie Brown, Pamela Leung, Anna Lambert, Christy Keeney, and Dierdre McLoughlin.
Like you I am drawn to figurative ceramics and have a similar book by Jane Waller: The human form in clay