
25 March 2009

Drawing class, week 11

The topic is "comfortable - uncomfortable" and we were meant to bring in objects for our "human diorama". I started with these photos of a couple of spots in my home -
with the idea of making some small books with found paper, in this case an old TV listings magazine. Going from the idea of loose pages (an uncomfortable state for a book) to being nicely bound together.
But the books had a life of their own, as I photographed various arrangments, and they played out an evolving drama - those nicely bound "guardians of virtue" on their clean territory started making me feel uncomfortable, and my sympathies are with the invaders.
I abandonned the drama and drew a city of books, in which neither the Guardians or Invaders felt at home; things were not so clear-cut there... and danger lurked.
A sheet of tracing paper gives a stifling effect; it looks lovely but feels sinister...