
26 March 2009

Drawing class, week 12

The end of term. A day spent reviewing the work, everyone presenting their portfolios - Outside, the weather came and went, but no-one really noticed -
So much to see - different approaches to the same projects; different ways of presenting work (how to do it better next time, for the assessment in July). Then it was all over.All over but for the private view of the end-of-year show for the group before us. The corridors and showcases were full of work, the art rooms were transformed, waiting for the 6pm opening.

The bird that delighted me on the first day of term sits in the tree around the corner still - here's a bit more of the story: images in a showcase -
and a short video, Bird Drop, for those who wondered how it got there with a sad footnote: In memory of Guy Levy, 1977-2009.

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