
02 March 2009


A bit of wrapping paper, from round the book of essays sent by Rita - couldn't bear to throw it out so I made it into a Little Gem. Paper is another kind of fibre, right? First step was to fuse it to fabric, then cover it with black net, put some heavy canvas on the back ... and add some subtle stitching before satin stitching round the edges -
Here's evidence of the stitching - picking out a few edges with yellow and grey - it all looks rather cryptic on the back -
Another seasonal theme - easter eggs, on some shiny turquoise that doesn't photography well. After fusing the shapes on, I cut more eggs from paper to stitch round them -
so they look rather ghostly -which pop out once the background is heavily stitched -


  1. Love both, but with something like the eggs, I have found that it is much less labour intensive to quilt the backgroud first, then add the eggs............. Just a thought.

  2. That background quilting really transformed the egg one. What a difference!

  3. Thanks for the idea with the paper, Margaret. Yours looks great! I have some beautiful tissue paper covered in line drawings of dragonflies, that was wrapped around some books ordered from the US. It's much too nice to throw out, but I wasn't quite sure what I was going to do with it. I'll try fusing it to some fabric, and see what results.
