
14 May 2009

A nice surprise

My "Thin Blue Line" quilt - currently touring to the Loch Lomond quilt show in Scotland, and then to Minerva Art Centre in Wales - is also in the German magazine Patchwork as part of a six page article on CQ's Thin Blue Line challenge! Left to right, Margaret Ramsay's "Gythion Glow", my "With Every Heartbeat", Jill Exell's "Land of Two Halves", and Kate Dowty's "Cracking Up". TBL is in good company -


  1. Many congratulations!! It's a beautiful piece and looks lovely in the magazine.

  2. CONGRATULATIONS Margaret!!!
    I'll have to go searching for that issue next time I go to the big city!

  3. Béatrice de Lausanne, Suisse.17 May 2009 at 21:52

    Will I have the opportunity to see your patchworks in exibition one day ? For that, it shoud be a good idea that you tell me in advance the dates and the place whre it will append. No ? Big kisses. Béatrice.
