
27 June 2009

Painting 1

The starting point was the box of old magazines - we had to find colour contrasts of six kinds, masking off a small area that we'd be doing a larger painting of. One should contain text, and one should be an illustration rather than a photograph. I ended up with these contrasts of complementarity, proportion, temperature, tone, hue, and saturation.
Getting started took a while, but later in the afternoon lots of finished work was up on the wall -
Amazing how quickly you can work when time is running out. "Proportion" and "temperature" were almost done before I remembered to take any photos. You can see how small the originals were. (The masking tape, when removed, gives a nice crisp edge.)
At the end of the day - a great display. But not many people got all six done.
And what with having a tutorial and collecting the work from previous colour sessions, I managed to leave my pix up on the wall. So the next day I found a whole new set, thinking ahead to having to paint them all again. I like this way of finding subjects for "abstract" paintings --Fortunately, though, they were still on the wall two days later, when we were in that room for the next class.

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