
13 August 2009

Jericho Beach and Kitsilano

In the distance, downtown Vancouver - the forested area to the left is Stanley Park, scene of Sunday walks and zoo visits (and pony rides) in childhood. We'd also visit a similar beach nearer home, Kitsilano Beach - the park there had a playground and "jungle gym", and sometimes we'd go swimming. While studying at UBC I lived very close to Kits Beach and went there sometimes - in retrospect, not often enough. It's still one of my favourite places in Vancouver.A glimpse of the North Shore mountains, and the typical vegetation - this is yarrow, with its feathery leaves.
Lots of parties in the park. Alcohol-free in BC.
Some of the typical old Kitsilano houses - when my parents first came to Vancouver, we lived on the top floor of something similar. Most of the area was quite run-down then (1950s) and large houses were divided into rental units.
Now they've been rescued, painted heritage colours, and are items of unattainable desire -
But some hark back to earlier days -

1 comment:

  1. Béatrice décoratrice, à Lausanne.14 August 2009 at 06:41

    Very *romantic *
