
25 August 2009

Little Gems tombola - the final chapter

It's taking me a while to recover from the excitement of the Festival of Quilts, and especially from the amazing outcome of the Little Gems tombola. Yes, it was lots of work -- but well worth it, and so much fun too.

First of all, here's the stalwart team: Judy Fairless, me, Linda Bilsborrow, Hilary Gooding -- ready for action - but without our tiaras, yet. Before "start of business" on Thursday, 1600 or so Little Gems were on hand - and during FOQ, many more were brought in - quilters are generous people!Linda and I attended Chunghie Lee's workshop on Thursday (more of which later), and nipped out at lunchtime to see how things were going at the stand. We were thrilled to see the long queue for tickets -
and to see the delighted winners -
Of course not everyone won four LGs at once, and some people kept coming back again and again, determined to get lucky. In case you're wondering how a tombola works, numbered tickets go into a drum - £1 buys a ticket, and those ending in 0 or 5 are winners - so usually £5 will produce a lucky ticket. But not always.... We had three boxes in which the quilts were in random order - winners got to choose which box their prize came from.

At the end of the day, or rather at 2pm on Sunday, when we ran out of quilts in the boxes and people could choose from those on the wall, the takings amounted to over £9,500, to benefit the Quilt Museum in York. Thanks to everyone who contributed either by making quilts or by buying tickets - quilters ARE generous people!

If you've won a quilt, check via the Makers list on the website and leave a comment, please. Four people have contacted me, and I'm thrilled to know where my Little Gems have found homes.


  1. The Little Gems venture was a fantastic achievement all round Margaret and I think your own contribution was massive! I am in awe of the number of Little Gems you made personally. It was good to see you on the stand on Friday when I came to meet up with Sandra.

  2. Nice to see you in photo.
    big kisses de BĂ©atrice de Lausanne.
