
26 September 2009

More sampling

A continuation of the work seen here - the shapes have become eggs, and something is trying to break out -But these shapes, especially the one on the lower right, are more like what first came to mind. I wanted to do hand embroidery, but might try some other form of crackly patterning - batik? starch resist? shibori?
The interesting thing about nests-full of eggs is that though they're laid over a period of several days, they all hatch at once - there's some sort of signalling going on between the eggs. And it's not just bird eggs ... eggs are smarter than we thought.

While googling "hatching" to add a link to support this interesting fact, I've realised that hatching is also a system of mark-making -- cross-hatching. Sometimes it takes a while for the penny to drop. This opens whole new vistas - it might even be a breakthrough!

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