
29 December 2009

Embroidered photographs - what kind of art is that?

Berend Strik is a New York-based Dutch artist who has been embroidering photographs since 1987. The images shown here, to give you a flavour of his work, are a selection from this site, one of the galleries that represent him, which says: "These mutations, ranging from spare designs to a Horror vacui, simultaneously underscore and undermine the reality presented in the photographs."
"The images are chosen from photographs the artist has taken on his travels through Africa, documenting the people, architecture and post-colonial landscapes of the continent. By perforating them with a needle and thread, the two-dimensional quality of the image is disrupted, creating a work that is both tactile and conceptually driven. The embroidered photographs and collaged textures contain a nuanced layering of pattern, fabric and image that come together to explore the notion of the exotic."
Embroidering on the photograps is "undermining the reproducibility of the image while returning it to a more autonomous form. The narrative of the photo is subsequently changed, and new layers and realities are presented. Through this process, Strik plays with historic atmospheres and art historical clichés and uses autobiographical details to express something he feels is universal."One more thing - some of the photos are about 1.5m across.

1 comment:

  1. Something different. Why not !

    Mane I open a blog to my japane travel.But I guess you never go on my blog. No time or not interessting for you ? Tell me, please.
    These days are knittind of my jumpers.Welcome.Kisses. Béatrice from Lausanne.
