
28 December 2009

Journal quilts, 2009

Contemporary Quilt's journal quilt project for 2009 is drawing to a close. The deadline for the final four quilts is 31 December. Thanks to two days of quietly hand-sewing while listening to the radio (bliss!) mine are ready, with several days to go.

September - fruit moon; October - falling leaves moon; November - frost moon (version 1 in the making); December - long night moon -And here are the final versions - I decided to start November again, after a little research on how frost crystals form -
I'm pleased with the Novemberand December quiltlets (6" x 12") -You can see the earlier JQs here and here.


  1. LOVE how the stitching adds even more interest to your pieces.....THANK YOU for posting them!

  2. Well done for finishing Margaret. Your quilts look great together.

  3. Wonderful quilts, Margaret, I love them. What's this Contemporary Quilt journal challenge thing? Is it happening again in 2010 and can I join in?

  4. Oh, yes, November is particularly nice. Like October too. The hand stitching gives them a look machine quilting never could.

    Happy New Year to you!

  5. Your stitching makes your November unique! Art is adding that finishing touch that makes someone come back and look ... it touches the mind.

  6. Ouah, you are becomming very very great
    Béatrice de Lausanne.

  7. November in japan, is celebratet the empereur flower : the chrysanthème.Your can see in every places, gardens, trains stations... These flowers arrangments.
    Will put in my japan blog in a time.
    Love. Béatrice de Lausanne.
