
15 December 2009

Sculpture week 12

The last class of term (last week) started in a ferment of activity -After producing lots of worksheets for the assessment, I was in the mood to start another -
(Yes, that bradawl and the thread live in the pencil case - and very useful both of them are!)

Several people kindly looked at my drawings and told me what they thought might be going on, which was very interesting, because I was simply "doing" and not thinking much about what was happening. Punching holes with various pencils etc was ... cathartic.
Apart from the idea of "something lurking under the stairs, that might grab you by the ankle as you climbed up", I really don't know what's going on in these, and even that idea has lots of Jungian overtones ... for instance, you're not afraid of being grabbed by the ankles as you go down the stairs, just up. Up to that barred, handle-less door ... hmm ...
After class, a little gathering in the caf, with some last-minute augmentation of sketchbooks, as some people haven't had their assessment yet -

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