
26 January 2010

Raw materials

Unfired clay - these started out joined to make a corner, then were piled on top of each other, suggesting development as a structure with a hole inside. I iked that idea and brought them home to do more work with - but you can see they didn't survive the journey. I still like the idea and plan to cut more out of foamcore and see what kind of structure might emerge...
And what can this be used for? It's an old window blind, and I've removed the bamboo strips carefully, "just in case" the paper can be put to good use. It's very frail - these were up on my sunny windows for years. I like how it's developing windows of its own - can it be glued to something, or sewn perhaps?Here it is again - the encounter with the material, developing an idea from it ... rather than starting with the idea and finding the right material.

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