
16 March 2010

Aiming for a series

For this year's journal quilts, I intended to do a series based on doors and doorways - because in January that's what I thought my final project for the foundation course would be about. So the January journal quilt (7"x10") started out showing a doorway that was open a crack - but my goodness it was boring! So it became a house with a strange background. Lesson from this - think before you sew.

February - doors again, with a bit of thought this time -
This has a lot of layers, and I got quite confused figuring out what got sewn where, when, and whether it should have been quilted before or would be quilted after.

Version 2 is similar but even less successful. Hey, it's about learning, isn't it?
I enjoyed inventing a "ladder stitch" to go around the door (on the green).

March - it's the rickety steps, the steps on sticks - my current preoccupation! They don't translate well to fabric - or at least they don't like being sewn into fabric. Applique might work?
So far, then - the 2010 JQ aren't exactly a visual treat. It's nice to sit and sew for a few hours, but these poor offerings were a struggle - and show it. Each has taught me something, though.

And the series? Doorways, no; it might become a "construction" series. Or it might go off on another tangent, who knows?

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