Glamour was James Kelly's theme - he set up a Facebook group to investigate the topic, then painted glamorous personalities (Boy George came to the show). Instead of canvas he painted onto a snake-skin effect fabric which had been subtly stained with colour -
Definitely the most glamour came from the bead-encrusted beautician's chair -
Lucy Whitford brought in a 1920s china cabinet and all the makings of a replica of a wartime room - furnished with crockery depicting family history, the death of two young women in the bombing -
The damaged wall reveals the story via her prints, and she also used painting on ceramic -
Jo Udall's ceramics related to The Winter's Tale - behind the blue plaque is a bear, supporting the scene. (Her bigger bear-in-a-box is part of the "In between" show outside the building.) At the back, a "press pack" - the flower press format gives you a view of the information inside the boards only if you look at them from a certain point of view -
What a talented lot of artists you all are!