
03 March 2010

Core Studies week 9

After the briefing on the Supporting Statement - yet another bit of writing that gives us a chance to review our work and say how it deviates from, or fulfills, our intentions - I tried to get into the swing of things by making a few blank books out of various papers. The Travel Writing book (at rear) is very nearly full up-
After coffee and commiseration, acting on an impulse to do some charcoal drawing, but reluctant to get too messy, I put some tracing paper between the sheets of paper used for the charcoal drawing, thinking ahead to making a book -The charcoal transferred to the back of the tracing paper - if it had been the same size as the drawing paper, it would have kept the drawing paper clean. I didn't have my needle and thread wit me, so sewing up the book had to wait till I got home.
When I did get home and sew - or rather, micro-tag - together the book, on turning the pages I noticed that the tracing paper didn't fall exactly on the charcoal drawing - giving a sense of movement, and danger, to my "rickety steps". Can this be used in some way..........

Later in class, in the last hour of the day, I recklessly started more charcoal drawing -
This A1 worksheet is the concept of the final major project ... it looks like derricks or pylons or railway trestles; that's ok.

At home I did some more rearrangement and photography of the prototype rickety steps and the various "cubes" -
Next step - seeing if the porcelain steps are too heavy, and whether a further set made of paper clay will be necessary. It's all getting a bit last-minute!

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