
24 March 2010

Setting up - the final push

The ultimate day of setting up the show found me at the train station with my bundle of sticks - sharpening them so they'll fit into the holes in the ceramic "steps". Every moment counts at this point!At college, the first task was to scrub those colourful marks off the floor, and clear out the dust sheets -
Nearly 11am - my things are in the space (and the board has unwarped itself, hurrah!) but the lighting needs sorting out first of all.
By noon the board was fixed on to the table and it was starting to grow -
2pm, a quick sandwich and ... uh-oh, a bit too much leaning perhaps ...
3pm, the Travel Writing is pinned up -
5.15, the final step is in place - "Journey" is ready.
The piece is a bit wobbly, because of the long legs (110cm) but has been made as secure as possible - stick-on velcro holds down the legs, double-sided tape holds the board onto the table, and there's a batten at the back on which the board rests. Even so, I'll be carrying a few spare ceramic bits around with me, just in case....

If I was setting this up again (here comes the evaluation...) I'd make it less dense overall and more dense in certain places. And I'm not sure about the placement of the ladder - if it went "up a leg" and then through a trapdoor into the middle of the "forest", that might be fun. That might move the steps on the floor out of harm's way, as well. Ah well, "next time"!


  1. Looks really good - Hope all goes well with the assessment.

  2. Looks intriguing - look forward to seeing it later.

  3. Journey looks fantastic. The shadows do wonders to extend the piece -- I'm sure that was your intention.

  4. Hi Margaret, I've been following all of this with interest . Sorry I can't get over there to see it in real life. Hope the show goes well for everyone, but especially for you.

  5. congratulations on all your hard work Margaret and I hope the show goes well.
