
15 April 2010

More women artists - 20th century self portraits

There are so many!

In the National Portrait Gallery's 2002 exhibition, for example - it has links on this web page. And yet more are shown here, a 2003 exhibition of self-portraits of Vanessa Beecroft, Cecily Brown, Rachel Feinstein, Jacqueline Humphries, Sophie Matisse, Wangechi Mutu, Elizabeth Peyton, Susan Rothenberg, Dana Schutz, Amy Sillman, Kiki Smith, Charline von Heyl, Sue Williams, Su-en Wong, and Lisa Yuskavage. ("The exhibition was of particular interest because of its relevance to the strong revival of figurative painting and the renewed interest in issues of self-identity.")

Prize-winning Tasmania painter Christine Hiller, after spending time in Mexico -
Gabrielle Munther (1877-1962) in 1909 -May Smith, New Zealand, 1920 -Na-Hye-Seok, Korean writer and artist of the 1920s and 30s -Barbara Balmer, 1952 -Vanessa Bell, 1959 -Eve Thompson, 1977 -Alice Neel, painted in later life (1980) -Elaine de Kooning (1918-1989) -Canadian Paraskeva Clark (1898-1986), painting herself in 1933, pregnant with her second son - In terms of the contraints on women as artists - which was the starting point of this series of posts - consider this exhibition on women artists and motherhood.


  1. I love this series you've been doing. I missed the early ones, so came back and looked at them. And interspersed with your own work and the work of other artists you admire, the ongoing gaze of the women, painting, is startling.

    Thank you.

  2. wow!!!thank you so much for posting this; it's been a fascinating read.

    Sylvia in windy Beaumont TX

  3. I have greatly enjoyed your recent post. Thanks so much!

  4. I have just read your posts about women artists and was quite unexpectedly touched by the photos. Thank you for an interesting, educational and uplifting experience.

  5. Have you done a self-=portrait? I did several, which sort of look like me, I think. I threw out one that was so dreadful that I thought it just might actually look like me. I tend to make myself (in the ones I keep) look younger than I appear in my photos. Self-deception, I'm sure...

  6. June, I've resisted doing look-in-the-mirror self-portraits. To be honest, it's too darned difficult! Some people like painting and drawing people ... some don't ...
