
23 May 2010

While cleaning up...

...I found a sheet of quotes overheard in daily life.
"Do you know what Nellie said? After a train gets to the station it goes back to all those other stations, that's what nellie said to me." --white-haired woman

After a concert, two middle-aged women are talking:
-That depresses me.
-How do you mean?
-If that's how a piano's to be played, what on earth are we doing?"

A middle-aged woman to her friend:
-...can't stand secondhand books
- [a look of "go on then, say more"]
- For the same reason I can't bear cinema - films seen by others already.

At a wishing well
"Don't tell anybody you're with, or it won't work - and you've got to believe in it. I made a wish last time ... and it didn't work ... but I still believe in it. --8-year-old boy
And a quote from AS Byatt, 1991
- I always work very far ahead in notebooks.

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