
09 June 2010

The garden in June

This year we've hidden a few vegetable patches among the flower beds. The best of the sunshine is further down. The compost bin is near the house - compost is magic! At the moment it's stuffed full of forget-me-nots - when they were in bloom the entire garden looked like fairyland. Any day now the climbing rose along the fence will blossom (briefly), joining the dark purple clematis.

And the little white square thing? That's my "outdoor project" - now repurposed as a support for sweet peas.


  1. Wow, what a lovely garden you have. I'm way envious!

  2. I hide vegetables among the flowers as well ... mostly to hide them from the deer and the bear! I also make sure there are onions near these items. The idea is that they don't like onions and don't smell the lighter fragrances.
