
24 July 2010

Inside The Vyne

Thanks to Celia for alerting me to the camera obscura at The Vyne - here it is on the landing, looking across the lawns towards the lake -And this is the view -
A portable camera obscura, useful perhaps on sketching expeditions -
And beyond, in the rooms, many interesting paintings and objects, collected by the Chute family who lived here for 350 years.
A room wallpapered with bright tapestries -
Wonderful carved panelling -
A Long Gallery, with rush mats on the floors as it would have been, way back when - these are woven with noticeably sweet-smelling grasses -
Beneath the gallery, the Stone Room, which as had various uses over the years -
Throughout the house, an exhibition of madly extravagant furniture by Mark Brazier-Jones - bling meets baroque -
Crystal-encrusted tea-tables - and a little railway for passing the sugar and biscuits -
More on the tea theme in the dining room -
Visitors were really enjoying the juxtaposition.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you enjoyed it - isn't the furniture amazing!
