
09 September 2010

Another border on "the dragon quilt"

To get an idea for the bit that goes over the pillow on the pieced side, I looked in the big fat Quilt National book - the diagonal lines in this quilt set off a train of thought. (Of course I had to look through the whole book, such a pleasure, and mused on how my favourites have changed over the years - and how fresh and original some of the old ones - 1995, 1997 - still look.)Once the big blocks of a busy print had strips of red print inserted at an angle, the next question was, how to make them into a "panel" - I decided to use chunks of various blue fabrics, rather than using the same fabric for each. But before that could be sewn, the bits in between had to be decided. This quilt is a matter of planning several steps ahead - different plans for different contingencies - and then doing something slightly different and having to replan all the next steps. Which is quite fun, but prolongs the process.

Red and grey for the "uprights" didn't look right (what was I thinking, so much solid colour?) -More blue looked better -
But what about using the extra stripey pieced strip as uprights, rather than as an extra bit of border -
The little problem is that the bit of border was going to be used to buffer the "noh actors" fabric that will form the sides -
Does it look so bad without it, though? (Yes, it does...)
Seeing the photos all together and away from the quilt is helpful. I'll sleep on it and decide what to do in the morning.

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