
18 September 2010

Over the edge

The binding is on - it's finished! Side 1 is where it all started -
and side 2 is the dragon side - you can't see him very clearly, but he's there -
I'm not going to point out a single one of the quilt's subtle faults. There are design things I would have done differently, and technique things I would have done more carefully, but I've done enough ripping out of seams during construction ... it's together now.

It's been a challenge to do it in the time available and with the materials on hand, and a joy to be able to spend so much time sewing - and it's been a labour of love.

Next ... something small ... or some escapist reading ...


  1. Congratulations Margaret on getting it finished, it's beautiful and I love the dragon.

  2. I'm so impressed with your ingenuity and the result especially as it took me 7 years to make a double sized quilt. Well done!

  3. Congratulations, Margaret - it looks good and as Mags says is very impressive and makes a wonderful bed-quilt. I love the dragon too. So what are you going to read? I need some recommendations for something not too demanding!

  4. Hello Margaret. I change the look of my blog. It is more * Habillé*. After the France *ballade*, I will put a reportage about Norway where i have been warking and not eating for a week with friend and german organisation. I have lost same weit.
    Then, will put the exibition of Ste Marie aux Mines in Alsace where i have seen the meeting of europeen patchwork. Will send you some documentations, by poste, same I have done 2 years ago. Please go on my new setting blog, and put comments.
    By the way, how are you.

  5. Fabulous looking. In Ste Marie aux Mines, I have'nt seen work than put the choc on my stomac, as it has been 2 years ago with the japaneses, the south of Africa and islande, for exemple. Meaby I have seen to many, as others people say as well.
    Best regards from Lausanne.
